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Building personal wealth requires various resources. Listed below are some selective resources that can be used to accelerated the wealth building process.

Credit – Credit is a major factor needed when building wealth. Good credit allows you to borrow money, money that can be used to invest or start a business. Check your credit.

U’s Can Too Wealth Builders Network – Building your personal wealth requires information and knowledge. You can save time and money when you have a direct source to turn to for help. Get started now.

Federal Trade Commission – The FTC is a great resource for consumers to report or find out about credit, scams, fraud and other consumer related financial information. Go to FTC

Ripoff Report – Ripoff Report allows users to complain anonymously about any firm or person. The site requires creating an account before “reports” can be submitted but it does not verify the identity of users. You can also find companies that are rip offs. Go there