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  • No Risks

  • No selling

  • No inventory

  • No Quotas to meet

  • No live meetings to attend

  • No computer required (but recommended)

  • Over ten sources for earning income

  • Potential financing available up to 100%

  • A simple and easy system

You decide how, when, and how much you want to earn.

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A Zero Loss Culture means you have nothing to lose. Our program is structured in a way that allows you to get unlimited financial counseling, mentoring, and educational services while making money. Basically this means when you pay for our services, you have an opportunity to get your money back. Imagine, getting your credit repaired or your financial issues resolved and making money at the same time.

When you become a U’s Can Too Wealth Builders Independent Marketing Agent (IMA) you receive unlimited credit and debt management counseling, basic real estate investing training, personal financial counseling, and many other cost-saving benefits, in addition to earning income part or full time.

Our system is known as AHA!( Americans Help Americans!) because our concept is based on Americans helping other Americans overcome poverty using our powerful wealth building system.

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We are dedicated to helping underserved Americans get out of poverty by providing them with the tools and resources required to enhance their financial status. We do this by providing holistic financial resources and services that are “proven” to be effective in helping people break the poverty chain. We have a unique concept that help people increase their credit scores, receive unlimited financial counseling and mentoring, while getting paid! There is no other program that provides individuals an opportunity like ours. No pain, plenty to gain.