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What is credit counseling?

Credit counseling is the process of providing consumers with guidance on consumer credit, money management, debt management, and budgeting. The goal of credit counseling is to help consumers better manage their personal credit, manage personal debts, help increase credit scores, and to establish and maintain good credit.

Why become a credit consultant? Five top reasons:

  1. Because “good” credit consultants are in-demand.

  2. Because the “average” consumer do not understand the credit scoring system.

  3. Because approximately 108 million American consumers have bad credit.

  4. Because 25%  of low-income individuals do not know how to improve their credit scores.

  5. 22% of American consumers do not have a FICO credit score.

Credit Consultant vs Credit Repair.

Credit Repair

There are thousands of companies and individuals marketing themselves as credit repair specialists. These credit repair businesses generally only focus on enhancing credit scores by disputing data contained in credit report. Many of these businesses claim to be able to get negative information removed from credit reports regardless of the type of account, i.e., tax liens, student loans, child support etc. Many of these businesses claim to use little known secrets (little lies) to get consumers’ to sign up for their services, even though they know there are no secrets. These businesses generally play on human emotions and trust.

Credit Consultant

Credit Consultants specializes in helping consumer properly manage and maintain good credit by providing counseling, education, and mentoring. Professional credit consultants will address “all” aspects of managing credit, credit scores, debt ratios, cash flow management, restructuring credit and debts in order to enhance credit scores and increase the ability to leverage their borrowing capacity.

How much can a credit consultant earn?

The average annual pay for a Credit Consultant working for a company in the United States is $59,092 a year ($28.00 hourly).

Independent/self-employed credit counselors working income various based on how much they want to earn, however, it is fair to say an independent credit consultant should be able to earn between $120,000 to $180,000 or more annually.


What is required to become a credit consultant?

Becoming an independent credit consultant in most states require a Surety Bond and a business license, but there is no formal training require, though you must be property educated and trained in order to provide a high-quality service to your clients. Our credit counseling program is for individuals who want to be independent credit counselors and operate their own consulting firm. For professional designations the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), National Association of Certified Credit Counselors (NACCC) and Financial Counseling Association of America all offer widely accepted certifications. 

For more information on becoming a Certified Credit Counselor click here.

Why us?

Because we will provide you with hands-on support and mentoring.

Because we will teach you how to potentially generate $20,00 – $60,000 in monthly revenue (part-time) or $125,000 monthly full-time.

We will show you how to get other professionals to send you clients.

We will provide you “everything” required to start within 10 days.

We will provide you with pre-designed marketing materials.

We will prove to you that our system is “RISK FREE” if you follow our guidelines.