Our subscribers are typically individuals between the ages of 24 and 55, 87% do not have a college education, with average incomes between $25,000 and $60,000, average net worth of $22,000, average credit scores of 525, and an average financial literacy rate 3.2 based on a scale of 1-10. These are individuals that have realized that they want to enhance their financial abilities and build personal wealth using our system to gain the information, guidance, education, and mentoring required in order to better manage their personal finances and build wealth without risking their hard-earned money or receiving ineffective advice.

We know the hardships that many underserved consumers faces when trying to manage their finances on their own and not having “direct” access to the proper resources. That’s why our mission is to help underserved consumers have a healthier and wealthier life by providing them with top-notched financial services that is affordable and effective.